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Voice Your Opinion About Cambodia: two years 3 times in Cambodia
Home Voice Your Opinion About Cambodia: two years 3 times in Cambodia
CIC would like to welcome you to freely voice your opinion regarding any issues occuring in Cambodia in the past and present time. Absolutely, you can voice positively or negatively against the issues, but keeping your voice in professional manner. Click here to voice your opinion now. OPINION ABOUT CAMBODIA is very broad, and it will be narrowed to specific topics when we get enough comments on how to clearify each topic. So, please feel free to give us feedback on this page, and your feedback will be taken seriously to improve our free services to meet your needs. CIC acts as only posting your voice submitting into this page by NOT involving or NOT being relevant to any political agenda. You can email us your opinion directly at
Opinion About Cambodia

Monday, July 25, 2005

two years 3 times in Cambodia

I have been from the past two years 3 times in Cambodia. It is the first country I have been draw to revisit that often. I found history, communauty caring, tolerence, in one word a soul in the population. All the value that I cherish the most are part of the tradition of the Khmer life much that I wish and try to find a way to live in Cambodia and to be able to contribute to the wellbeing of this society. If someone is able to give me more info on the life and possibility please email me at and I will respond with great enthousiasm bernrd

SUBMITTED BY: sertillanges bernard. Email: Sun, 24 Jul 2005


rit rout said...

sihanouk monus men ban kar eiy teh , prus vea mean kom neut mok chea sdach, teb ban chea mean ah neak tam het phorm vear , heuy toss chea s-oy yeang na ko tha k-ob der prus chang ban bun sak pi phorm vea

8:33 AM  

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