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Voice Your Opinion About Cambodia: Should We Provoke A War To Regain Our Lost Land?
Home Voice Your Opinion About Cambodia: Should We Provoke A War To Regain Our Lost Land?
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Opinion About Cambodia

Monday, July 25, 2005

Should We Provoke A War To Regain Our Lost Land?

I am very strongly agree that the border encroachment should be stopped and we, Cambodian, must get back our land which lost.

However, I am very disagree with the bloodshed of our nation. I am so disagree with the provoke of war. It has been proved that for three decades of wars we, Cambodian, have lost almost everything. We have lost our kindness mentality in our nation, our property, our economic sposperity, our border and our intelligent. We have been weakening ourself because of the wars. We have been down graded. Some of our people are ashamed to say that he or she is a Cambodian when one was asked. (Especially, those who have lighter skin). It seems that the world sees our Cambodian nation as a block of ice in the hot sun. We start to melt a bit by bit. Our nation has been called as a beggar nation. We should be ashame of ourself.

Now, after thirty years of rebuilding our nation and the country has gone no where because the corruption in the government, corrupted politicians and currepted political parties who are forming and serving for their power and benifit of their elites and families. And those who dear to speak out, losing their lives as for the rejection from these elite groups, especially Hun Sen and his donkies.

I, therefore, believe that we are not ready to die to waste our given life anymore yet. We are not so ready to lose even a shirt and a pant. We must learn how to use our intelligent. I have never believe Cambodian who left alive are all stupid. However, I believe that they have never given the opportunity to do so as Westerner nation. Westerner nation uses the brain of their people to do the job. We should deal with our nieghtbouring with diplomacy and intelligent within the brain of our people. But the most important thing is that our nation, our politicians or government must agree to the benifit of our nation. We must be united and our national conflict must be solved first. I don't care if you are a CPP, FUNCI or Sammy. We have to draw a line that this is for our nation to be strong and we must sacrify.

Although I agree that we one day are old and dying, I am strongly disagree with the war within our nation or with our neighbouring. I believe every individual in any nationality has the rights to life and to peace. They are concerned and struggled as much as us Cambodian, and they will gain the advantages if we act violently and unintelligently about the issues. And there are conflicts everywhere we just have to solve it very intelligently.

SUBMITTED BY: Samoeun Chhim Email: Sun, 24 Jul 2005


Anonymous said...

If only the writer knew what he wanted. He calls for war, yet he argues for peace. If only Cambodians knew what they really wanted...

The solution would rather be simple, if they had the gut to stand up for what they believe in and what they write. After all said and done, nothing is done.

If you want anything bad enough, you will do it yourself. The hypocrites expect others to do the job for them. If you want opportunity, grab it; don't expect anyone, especially Hun Sen, to give it to you. The main question is: Do you have enough gut to snatch the opportunity, or create the opportunity for what you believe in?

5:16 PM  
Anonymous said...

It is good if you have the gut to do anything. However, won't you need to make the asessment first?

I think for a personal situation if you have a gut is very good. Non the less, for a collective issue is more than a gut feeling.

For example, regarding the border issue, I think the former King Sihanouk is trying to do the right peaceful thing. He is trying to be reasonable with our neighbor by using the 1964 map to show them that this is the correct line of our country and their country. However, the sad thing is that Hun Sen and Ranaridh don't want to support such a solution because Hun Sen fears of lossing his power to the former king.

The solution that the former king is trying to solve which I call the intelligent problem solving. Using your gut to go to war without thinking about other possibilities can bring our nation into a catastrophe.

Unfortunately, the former king couldn't have the power to act because Hun Sen didn't approve, which this is I call power conflict within our nation (internal conflict).

Your comment is right about easy to say than done. However, to say something or to suggest something is a plan or a voice to let one knows that we are not ready yet, and the poll of opinion should be taken in our population. Even better if we have an expert as an advisor, but gut can be very dangerous.

1:26 PM  
Anonymous said...

The second anonymous may want to know that "having a gut" is quite different from "having a gut feeling".

11:04 PM  

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