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Voice Your Opinion About Cambodia: Cambodia-usually Barks at the WRONG tree
Home Voice Your Opinion About Cambodia: Cambodia-usually Barks at the WRONG tree
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Opinion About Cambodia

Monday, September 26, 2005

Cambodia-usually Barks at the WRONG tree

September 26, 2005
Cambodia-usually Barks at the WRONG tree
By Kok Sap

Historians seem to agree that Cambodia has been exploited by China and Viet Nam since Chou Ta Quan landed his junks at Moha Nokor's ancient port Phnom Krom back in 13th Century. With that intuition China never really wanted to make Cambodia a self reliant and sufficient state otherwise it shouldn't have happened a long time already. Historically China sees things in different light to fit its ancient agendas. However do not be confused with China superficial kindly gesture that is no less evil imperialistic than others. How comes Cambodia is servitude to China? The resonating experience was famously reminded by many of poetic riddles of Krom Ngoy' to many in Cambodia that China origin folks did not do things as charity but eternal investment.

Cambodia state has been a mockery of humiliating, subjugation of charity, forced annexation, farce of democracy, and highly non-self-reliance as often it has looked at far away shores for assistance but the results seemed petit and unreliable. If it is the case which country can Cambodia seriously learn from in order for it to reshape and rebuild it?

With that enthusiasm what country that had publicly beaten its victors and China pants down in both economic and geo-politic after its unimaginably defeat in World War II? Of course Japan.

We were quite aware of Japan devious attempts resulted the first nuclear testing ground and victim in humanity history in August 1945. It was despicably heinous. Meanwhile it was also worthy to note the illogical scapegoat Japan as supposed to the real imperialist Germany, which was genetically relative to the victors. No matter how you look at it the World history and politic driven by Euro force still perceive other race was not supposed to be in the supremacy strata just yet. After that Japan was never the same in the humanity eyes.

Nonetheless beyond humanity chagrins and resilience, Japan overcame past misdeeds and dilemma such as societal clashes, re-emergence of militaristic and feudalistic remnants, deeply embedded corruption, cultural clashes, bankrupt treasury, reduction in arm forces, and routine in fights in its governance with unison stride. It rose steadily like a mythical phoenix of golden rays radiating to all directions of the globe once more. This time it became formidably powerful in thousand folds of its original failed imperialistic violent conquests. Its national pride and dignity was eternally re-instated with UN official kow tow.

In a nut shell Japan is to be more qualified and exemplary of its logistic and strategic posture than China or Viet Nam. Unquestionably it can offer a learning curve for Cambodia challenges.

SUBMITTED BY: kok sap, Email: Mon, 26 Sep 2005


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