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Voice Your Opinion About Cambodia: It Is Time For A Change
Home Voice Your Opinion About Cambodia: It Is Time For A Change
CIC would like to welcome you to freely voice your opinion regarding any issues occuring in Cambodia in the past and present time. Absolutely, you can voice positively or negatively against the issues, but keeping your voice in professional manner. Click here to voice your opinion now. OPINION ABOUT CAMBODIA is very broad, and it will be narrowed to specific topics when we get enough comments on how to clearify each topic. So, please feel free to give us feedback on this page, and your feedback will be taken seriously to improve our free services to meet your needs. CIC acts as only posting your voice submitting into this page by NOT involving or NOT being relevant to any political agenda. You can email us your opinion directly at
Opinion About Cambodia

Monday, April 18, 2005

It Is Time For A Change

The leadership of Cambodia which was installed since 1979 by Vietnam needs to be replaced. Because it is not helpful for our people and the country.

It currently still allows Vietnamese to come to our country illegally. And once they come in, they will not return back to their country, because they have the support of the present government of our country. And when there is a problem with Vietnam, for instance, their soldiers crossed into our wafers and started shooting at our coast guards. Our coast guards were beaten and arrested, and our leader said nothing about it. For another example,

if a couple of Vietnamese were killed, prime minister Hun Sen will be summoned to Vietnam and a few days later some people will be arrested. That is how things are in Cambodia, when we have a puppet leader. Vietnam has always been our bitter enemy, and it will never forget its intention of swallowing Cambodia. When it withdrew its troops from Cambodia in the 90's, it wasn't its choice. It was because there was a resistance of our people to their occupation, and also the pressure from the United Nations. So I hope the next eletion will be free and fair, because the last couple times were not free and fair. The opposition party members got assasinated. We must remember how we lost the Khmer Krom, which consists of 21 provinces. One reason was, we were weak. But now we have the U.N. if we need help, it will do its job. So I hope we will have a new leader during the next eletion that will lead us to prosperity and a bright future instead of being in the shadow of Youn.

SUBMITTED BY: Van Cheoung Email: Sun, 17 Apr 2005


prak hap said...

Categorically we,Khmers,were not weak.We were resilient survivors who rose from ashes.Everyone wanted change but majority were enfringed and hindered with daily survival.That's why other than ruling groups gravitate toward the change from moral to immoral,from righteous to corruptive,under-employed from abroad to full blood Oknhas in Cambodia...

8:42 AM  
Anonymous said...

If oversea Cambodians living in Western countries and Europe make a contribution to their people, eg.$100 from one family, total up to say $1 mil and send this to Cambodia or have a charity fund..this will help a lot of poor village Cambodians.

I see a lot of rich Australian Cambodians driving nice cars, and have lots of money and gold...

7:40 PM  
Anonymous said...

After reading all of these coments i am very dishearted. My heart goes out to all the cambodian people back home. I have always hated Hun Sean the recent leader of Cambodia, i have heard some terrible news about the way he has treated cambodian people. Surely there must be someone in the undited nation who can help the Cambodian people and get rid of this guy....

3:18 AM  

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